We have done our transfromation from the physical retail store into the on line now, it is such a great shift, namaste for all supports with deep appreciation and blessing, Om, Om, Om!!
East Wind, a cherished family business establised in 1990, have been serving Ottawa for the past 33 years, now we are completing our physicaetail store with gratitude and blessing! We are continue to serve you in our new chapter, please feel free to call /text 6132862806 for a great connection!
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    Gemstone Pendulum with Feng Shui Magic for Clarity and Vision

    Gemstone Pendulum with Feng Shui Magic for Clarity and Vision


    As we have experienced and learned so much of the past 3 years and swimming through our Tiger year with some layers of extreme, seeking guidance & divination for our unknown and known will be very powerful for our quality of life! Here comes my beloved workshop for gemstone pendulums with FengShui magic. This can align us with nature, living space and our life purpose thorough harmony and true sense. This workshop also guides us into the new year of Water Rabbit with Karma and destiny essence, so that we can get rewarded or reshaped in our new version of happiness and success.

    Under the world of Feng Shui, there are 3 main energy dimensions: Heaven/Nature, People (ourselves) and Earth (living space). The constant interaction of these dimensions creates an infinite energy wheel for all walks of life, right from the beginning to the end of our life journey.

    As we are engaging the end of pandemic, asking for help and guidance through our thousand year old tool, the enchanting gemstone pendulums can be amazingly magical, particularly when you align with the nature and earth! Let’s walk with Maggie into the world of gemstone pendulums: from how to choose, program and consult your own pendulum team with Feng Shui perspective, to personalizing your unique consulting strategy based on your birth chart and Chinese horoscope sign. Maggie will show all you will need to start your consultation and divination from your personal pendulum team, as well as show you how to best benefit from them and find answers to the unknown and the known. ( on site studio workshop, limited to 6 persons for each workshop)

    Dates: Feb. 28 Tuesday  6 to 8:30pm Registration: www.eastwindottawa.ca or fengshuiottawa@rogers.com

    $60.00 payment on line by E-transfer or credit card